
New GMO-free labeling is the perfect side dish for Conscious Consumers

The U.S. Agriculture Department’s new government certification and labeling for foods that are free of genetically modified ingredients (GMOs), highlights several points made at the last Gibbs-rbb Conscious Consumer Conference. While this effort falls short of the mandatory labeling some consumer groups are pushing for, it’s an indicator that Conscious ConsumersTM are changing the food industry.

The Conscious Consumer is a new breed of shopper who wants to know the details about what they buy and eat, and they are demanding that food companies deliver. They care about the environment, where their food comes from and social responsibility. And, the Gibbs-rbb study showed that they present a huge opportunity for the U.S. food and beverage industry with an estimated untapped $200 billion in sales. In a nutshell, Conscious Consumers care more, share more and spend more.

Earlier this year I had the pleasure of moderating a panel of prestigious food-centric journalists who gave us quite a bit to chew on. And as the USDA action confirms, it boils down to the fact that consumers want to know more about what is in our food and where it comes from. And they want food companies to make this information accurate and easy to obtain. So what’s a brand to do to stay ahead of the Conscious Consumer? First a quick look at our panel.

  • Ed Levine (founder of , and self-proclaimed missionary of the delicious)
  • Charles Passy (covering all things food and drink for MarketWatch)
  • Lilian Huang Woo (FOX News Radio anchor covering everything from breaking news to breaking bread)

The panel provided a few key truths on how to improve your communications to today’s Conscious Consumer:

  • Start with the Indisputable Truth: Conscious Consumers want transparency. They quickly see through falsehoods and exaggerations. Be straight. Be upfront.
  • Be Bold: If you want journalists to help tell your story, it’s no secret that you have to be provocative. While it’s common sense that interesting things make news, brands can benefit by taking an outside perspective on what really matters to consumers.
  • Great Food Is Always On Trend: Food inspires everyone and it never goes out of style. Share your brand’s expertise and dive deep. As @EdLevine said, “There is a tremendous need for people to feel connected to their food and each other.” Help make that happen.
  • Monitor Trends and Make Them Your Own: Consumers and media want details about broader trends, not just one product. Crafting a well-rounded trend story that includes other products could capture the imagination and grow market share.

This is just a taste of what Ed, Charles and Lilian had to offer. You can view their complete discussion as well as other experts who reveal the value of understanding today’s Conscious Consumer.

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