
Conscious Consumer White Paper

There is a segment of consumers that cares as much about where and how food is produced as they do about the brand attributes, nutritional value and price. We call them Conscious Consumers®, and if you’re a food company, restaurant or retailer, chances are you’re seeing their impact more and more every day.

Conscious Consumers are not easily defined by demographics, geography or psychographics. They have varying politics, perspectives and priorities. From category to category, the Conscious Consumer evaluates a mixed bag of nutritional, environmental and social factors in choosing what products to buy, and what companies to support.

The indirect impact this group has on major manufacturers could be significantly greater.

Interested in learning more about the Conscious Consumer?

Download our white paper today by filling out the form on this page to see who these Conscious Consumers are, why you should care about them and key understandings to successfully connecting with them.